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13. Power to Issue Warrant for Arrest under Certain Conditions

13. Power to Issue Warrant for Arrest under Certain Conditions:
13.1. On receiving information or evidence of the fact that any fugitive accused or offender of any foreign country who is liable to be extradited or punished under
this Act has come or been residing to any area under its jurisdiction, the concerned District Court, if it deems necessary to arrest him or her on such basis, may issue
warrant to arrest such accused of offender.
13.2. The concerned District Court shall have to submit within three days, the report on the warrant issued pursuant to Sub-section 13.1 for arresting any accused
or offender and the copy of the concerned information and evidence to Government of Nepal.
13.3. A person arrested and put on custody pursuant to the warrant issued under Sub-section 13.1 shall not be kept on custody for more than three months unless
any order is received from Government of Nepal in relation to such person.
13.4. In case where the District Court has submitted a report pursuant to Sub- section 13.2 in regard to any accused or offender and if the District Court has been
ordered by Government of Nepal to initiate proceedings against such accused or offender for extradition or punishment, the concerned District Court shall follow
the proceedings as laid down in this Act.


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  • In recent years, cryptocurrency—and in particular, Bitcoin—has demonstrated its value, now boasting 14 million Bitcoins in circulation. Investors speculating in the future possibilities of this new technology have driven most of the current market capitalization, and this is likely to remain the case until a certain measure of price stability and market acceptance is achieved. Apart from the declared price of cryptocurrency, those invested in it appear to be relying on a perceived “inherent value” of cryptocurrency. This includes the technology and network itself, the integrity of the cryptographic code and the decentralized network. So, how much bigger could bitcoin get? The unvarnished truth is that no one knows. If we ask Cathie Wood, bitcoin could eclipse 100% of gold’s market cap. If bitcoin recouped its losses and nabbed back 10% of gold’s market share, that would imply a price of $33,910. But market share could also fall back down to less than 2%, where bitcoin has floundered for most of the 2010s, if retail interest continues to dwindle after the slew of crypto blowups of 2022.
    Fifty bitcoin continued to enter circulation every block (created once every 10 minutes) until the first halving event took place in November 2012 (see below). Halvings refer to bitcoin’s issuance system, which was programmed into Bitcoin’s code by Satoshi Nakamoto. It essentially involves automatically halving the number of new BTC entering circulation every 210,000 blocks. Investment trusts offered by reputable firms such as Grayscale are attractive for larger investors seeking exposure to Bitcoin. For example, the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust is a publicly traded fund that enables you to purchase GBTC shares, providing indirect exposure to Bitcoin. It’s important to note that investment trusts often trade at a premium and may involve higher costs than buying Bitcoin directly on an exchange.

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  • If you’re here, your business may be in a position to continue using Microsoft products like Outlook, but you may want to use Gmail and other G Suite products at the same time. If this is the case, there’s actually a super convenient way you can sync your Gmail account with Outlook. iCloud will add your contacts to the All Contacts folder. The challenge with using vCards is that you have to create and import a new one each time you add new contacts in Outlook. If you are using this, it makes sure to not forget your important meetings and dates. But here arrives the problem as most of us use different software in our daily and professional life. So, it is quite difficult to form a syn. Here you need a new tool that will help you to form the sync in order to not miss anything important. If that two software is Outlook and Google Calendar, then luck is in your favor as you can easily Sync Google Contacts with Outlook.
    Every week we break big, complex processes like building your email list and growing a successful YouTube channel into small, actionable steps you can put into practice straight away. If there are groups that you wish to keep separate – like Family or Friends, for example – we suggest arranging your contacts in your contact list in groups to keep them separate and choose the appropriate group to sync to Pipedrive. Well, if you’re confused regarding how to get this done without running into issues like losing some of your contacts, stop worrying, as we’re going to do what we do best, and that’s nothing but helping you guys out. So, without further ado, let’s take a detailed look at how to transfer and sync iPhone contacts with Google. Using this guide, you’ll learn How to sync Google contacts with Android using Google’s official sync method. Also, we will show you another method for syncing your Google contacts manually, in case your device’s internet connection is not working or if the sync feature isn’t working properly.

  • Calculated by multiplying the token’s Total Supply on Ethereum with the current market price per token. Multi-tabling simply means loading up your screen with as many real money poker tables as you can possibly manage at once. Many pros will play between 16 and 24 online poker games simultaneously – whether they’re cash games, Sit ‘n’ Gos, or tournaments – as this allows for faster play, more volume and a higher ROI (return on investment). Also, if you’ve signed up to one of our recommended poker rooms with a deposit bonus, multi-tabling will ensure a faster play-through of any real money bonus you want to activate. That’s me in a nutshell. It’s a pretty strange path, from professional poker player to software engineer to investor. But if you want to get the full picture, you’ll need to know my origin story.
    About $2.3 million worth of ether (ETH), the cryptocurrency related to the Ethereum network, was transferred from two CoinSpot wallets on Thursday. The digital assets were then moved through two bridging services, THORChain and Wan Bridge. Bridging services are used to move digital assets across different blockchains, and are secured by private keys that register the real owner of the cryptocurrency. The latest data show that the Bitcoin network is currently running on 52.6% sustainable sources of energy. According to a report by Daniel Batten, co-founder of CH4Capital and investor in sustainable technologies, this makes Bitcoin unique as there is no such industry which operates on sustainable sources of energy to this degree. Your email address will not be published. One of the main benefits that cryptocurrency brings to the casino industry is the speed of transactions. Traditional banking systems can take several days to process withdrawals and deposits, causing inconvenience to players. However, with cryptocurrencies, transactions are processed instantly, providing players with a seamless gambling experience. This has enabled online casinos to attract more players and retain existing ones, thus increasing their revenue.

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    As I mentioned earlier, there are over one thousand casinos scattered all over the United States, from small tribal bingo games in Alaska to luxurious gambling resorts on the beaches of South Florida. If you want to see where the nearest casinos are located, you can do that by scanning the map I provided. However, if you want to learn more about the absolute best casinos in the country, here are some of the places that definitely won’t disappoint you. The morning after we arrived home, I logged into each of our accounts to see if point totals had been updated. While there was no change in points yet, hubs had an offer listed as “2022 October Instant Rewards” for $250 off a cruise. I checked the blurry photo I had snapped of the rewards chart on the desk of the casino host and was excited to see that $250 off was the reward for earning between 800 and 1,200 total points on a single cruise. I was crushed though, to see that the Next Cruise onboard bonus would have been a complimentary interior cabin.

  • CUSTOMER SERVICE Very happy with my treatments as always. The new assistant was really good. Eye lashes, eye brows tints and full face threading inc eyebrows is a long job, and she did it perfectly. I can’t remember her name but I’d highly recommend her. Thank you Yes, we can pierce you with a ring in most areas. Labret bars are commonly used for cartilage piercings on the ear, and pigs tail studs for the nose. However, it is possible to get pierced with a ring in your cartilage or nose straight away! Other popular areas to have pierced with rings are the nipple, conch, lip, eyebrow and navel belly. Ready to simplify your morning routine with eyelash extensions? To keep your lashes looking beautiful, we recommend coming in every two weeks for regular refills. Explore our membership options for discounts and special offers. And when you’re ready to find eyelash and eyebrow services near you, contact your local Lash Lounge.
    Forever Ideal Eyelash Serum “This product is truly outstanding. People keep asking if I have fake eyelashes on. RapidLash® is truly one of a kind and I would pay double what it costs!” The Best Perfumes for Women Come With a Story I got my lash extensions removed and my lashes were downsized by HALF. I was worried my lashes would be ruined forever but this serum saved them. Lashaddict® Eyelash Conditioning Serum puts you in control of your lashes! Our Proprietary Nano-peptide Complex, combined with a proprietary blend of nutrients and moisturizers will make your lashes appear longer, fuller, thicker and stronger in just 3 weeks! Eyelash serums generally come in a tube with a spoolie or brush applicator. The aim is to work the serum towards the roots of your lashes. Those that come with a spoolie (similar to a mascara wand) also allow you to apply the serum over the length of your lashes to condition them.

  • Regardless of whether a game uses 2D pixel graphics or modern 3D rendering, every element that will appear on screen needs to be created. Completing as much as possible during the design phase makes this process smoother. It’s problematic to constantly create new assets for a game because crucial decisions weren’t finalized earlier. Contrary to what some might think, it’s not necessary to have all the world, characters, and objects finalized before starting the programming. In fact, many renowned games of all sizes have been developed using stock assets or placeholder entities. This is because the skills needed to produce, for example, a 3D character for a first-person shooter, are generally similar to those required for creating an advertisement for a manufactured product. In theory, if you already know how to create a realistic model and produce all the relevant textures and normal maps, you should be able to do the same for a game.
    Conceptual artist Paul Gerrard was kind enough to share some of his re-imagined art for Masters of the Universe. He… The concept art environment distinguishes itself from the traditional forms of art in screen animation. About Us • Price Sheet “A common misconception is that concept art is about doing cool and pretty drawings or illustrations — it is not,” says Pierre Armal, concept artist at Shiro Games. “It is about ideas, and solving problems for the 3D artists and game designers. Drawing is only a tool used to that end.” Be the first to know about new product releases, limited edition items and much more Learn from the world’s most influential concept-artists of the game and film industry. They’ll teach you the techniques and mindset you’ll need to succeed The production artist’s job is the delivery of in-product art for the purpose of animation. There is, therefore, little to no variation in such elements as character design. In many ways, production art is a part of the production process.

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