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We, the Sovereign People of Nepal,

Internalizing the people’s sovereign right and right to autonomy and self-rule, while
maintaining freedom, sovereignty, territorial integrity, national unity, independence and
dignity of Nepal,

Recalling the glorious history of historic people’s movements, armed conflict, dedication
and sacrifice undertaken by the Nepalese people at times for the interest of the nation,
democracy and progressive changes, and respecting for the martyrs and disappeared and
victim citizens,

Ending all forms of discrimination and oppression created by the feudalistic, autocratic,
centralized, unitary system of governance,

Protecting and promoting social and cultural solidarity, tolerance and harmony, and unity
in diversity by recognizing the multi-ethnic, multi-lingual, multi-religious, multi-cultural
and diverse regional characteristics, resolving to build an egalitarian society founded on
the proportional inclusive and participatory principles in order to ensure economic
equality, prosperity and social justice, by eliminating discrimination based on class, caste,
region, language, religion and gender and all forms of caste-based untouchability, and
Being committed to socialism based on democratic norms and values including the
people’s competitive multiparty democratic system of governance, civil liberties,
fundamental rights, human rights, adult franchise, periodic elections, full freedom of the

press, and independent, impartial and competent judiciary and concept of the rule of law,
and build a prosperous nation,
Do hereby pass and promulgate this Constitution, through the Constituent Assembly, in
order to fulfil the aspirations for sustainable peace, good governance, development and
prosperity through the federal, democratic, republican, system of governance.


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